Camp Alpine

Posted on June 15, 2024

What is it?

  • A small settlement made up of multiple groups of families who joined together many years go for survival.
  • They used to travel, trading goods in towns to gather gold for purchases of things that they cannot make or hunt for.

Where is it?

  • Currently situated in Southern Mountains


  • Leader - Gregory Hunt
  • Leader's Wife - Yvonne Hunt


  • Founded by Calin Stone, Jaelyn Stone and George Leoge.
  • They lived in Nordip, but the King at the time was setting and increasing absurd taxes and it became infeasible for them to continue to live there.
  • They gathered up some belongings and set out to live off the land, camping in different locations every few days
  • After a while they realised they needed gold to make up for shortfalls in their skills
    • They would do odd jobs to earn gold when they were near settlements
  • Soon, more and more people joined them, needing a way to escape taxes and poorer quality of lives.
  • More people meant more skills and soon they no longer needed to work odd jobs. Instead they crafted and built goods that they could sell.
  • Organisation soon sprang up in the camp as responsibilities became more important


  • Same group of people. A mix of men and women who were useful with weapons.


  • In charge of taking down and setting up camp when they travelled to a new location. Most families contributed at least one member to be a builder.
  • Some builders were also in charge of manufacturing tools, weapons, furniture and other trinkets that could be used or sold


  • In charge of preparing food that could be shared among the members.
  • Also in charge of providing medical aid to any who felt unwell or had suffered injuries


  • Taught what they could to the younger members of camp
    • Life skills
    • Survival skills
    • Academia related knowledge
  • Access to books was limited to start with, but it grew over time until a small library was accumulated
    • In fact, for a while, some of the camp gold was budgeted for purchasing new books


  • In charge of the bigger decisions but usually consulted with the other members of the camp before making them.
  • They handled
    • When and where to travel
    • How to concentrate effort for gathering gold
    • How to budget and spend gold
    • What was a focus for teaching
  • Under Gregory Hunt's leadership, many of the women found themselves pregnant, including his wife Yvonne Hunt, and he accepted that the camp could not keep travelling,
    • The families needed more stability in their lives at this time
    • The pregnant women were unable to travel as easily
    • The newborns needed constant attention and could not be travelled
  • Therefore, he set them up in a more permanent in the Southern Mountains